Thursday, March 27, 2025

Alice in Easter Wonderland


Here we have is Alice in Easter Wonderland
My take on Alice in Wonderland but in an Easter theme
Funny how my usual AI generator can do Alice but not the Mad Hatter
Anyways my copyright if using these as follows:

AI Generated by Sacrament Designs

If you want them then please use one of the links below:

Easter Armadillos

Click on the previews to view at full size

Easter armadillos for your Easter tagging
If using these, please use my copyright below:

AI Generated by Sacrament Designs

If you want them, please use either links below:

Easter Aliens

Click on the previews to view at full size

Right something completely different and I've not seen any like these
Some alien tubes for your Easter tagging pleasure
Please use my copyright if you're using these

AI Generated by Sacrament Designs

If you want these cuties, please use either links below:

Monday, March 24, 2025

Dark & Elegant

Please click on the previews to view at full size

Some gothic women portraits for your tagging pleasures
Dunno why they are more or less looking in the same direction,
but that's what they came out at in an AI generator, oh well you can mirror them
Please use the following copyright if using these

AI Generated by Sacrament Designs

If you would like these, please use either links below:

Monochrome Beauty

Please click on the previews to view at full size

Something a little different, 1950's elegant women
Was meant to be for a kit, but discovered I suck at making AI kits so you get the tubes
Well didn't want to bin these and I don't see many of these type of tubes about
If using these please use the copyright below:

AI Generated by Sacrament Designs

If you would like these please use either link below:

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Bunny Kisses Tubes

Please click on the previews to view at full size

Right I normally do puppy match but since TK Dezigns couldn't think of tubes for her Bunny Kisses kit I thought that I would do some and thank you TK for removing the background and tidy them up for me
These are watercolour style and can be used with any kit as this is a match
Please use the following copyright below if using these

AI Generated by Sacrament Designs

If you would like these please use either links below:

Monday, March 17, 2025

St Patrick's Fairies

Right I know that I am a bit late for these but I have some St Patrick Fairies tubes for you
Well you can use them next year as it will roll over year after year
Please use the following copyright if using these below:

AI Generated by Sacrament Designs

If you would like these, then please use either link below:

Friday, March 7, 2025

Last Unicorn

Cluster and frame using the magical Last Unicorn scrap kit from TK Dezigns
As the kit suggests it is filled with unicorns and all things magical
The frame as you can see can be used with any kit of the same colour theme
If you would like this then please use either links below:

Please click on the tag and signature to view at full size

I have made this forum set using the cluster, frame and kit itself
Tube that I've used comes with the kit