Sunday, February 9, 2025

Dark Wedding - TK Dezigns Match

Please click on one of the previews to view at full size

Set of 6 Doberman pups and 12 couple images to match Dark Wedding from TK Dezigns
I have done the couple images before TK done the kit to see what it would look like in her colour choice
Think that they or hopefully match her stunning kit well
This can be used with any kit, not just the kit I've mentioned
Copyright needed for the whole thing is below:

AI Generated by Sacrament Designs

If you would like these then please use the links below:

Tubes: Box or MediaFire
Images: Box or MediaFire

Please click on the tag and signature to view at full size

The above is an example of one of the images used and the kit itself
Ran out of mojo, so no example of a set using one of the pups


Had to change on how you comment on my blog. I've had to change it to Anyone (anonymous) so please add your name to the end of your comment so I don't get confused on who's posted. I'm easily confused and it doesn't take much.