Friday, March 7, 2025

Last Unicorn

Cluster and frame using the magical Last Unicorn scrap kit from TK Dezigns
As the kit suggests it is filled with unicorns and all things magical
The frame as you can see can be used with any kit of the same colour theme
If you would like this then please use either links below:

Please click on the tag and signature to view at full size

I have made this forum set using the cluster, frame and kit itself
Tube that I've used comes with the kit


  1. omg this is so pretty ! thank you !! this is one of the best things about making kit, i get a bunch of pretty tags made with them ! :)

  2. It's beautiful Bekki thank you


Had to change on how you comment on my blog. I've had to change it to Anyone (anonymous) so please add your name to the end of your comment so I don't get confused on who's posted. I'm easily confused and it doesn't take much.